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  • Tubbie: Thanks for your reply on antenna assembly. I ordered a mast with cable and hope to repair my existing antenna assembly. If I fail to fix it I will consider your offer. Thanks again. rtsupra@hotmail.com Toto II
    Hey man, my messages aren't sending for some reason. Email me at justnovas@hotmail.com regarding 5spd swap parts.
    Hey thanks for the steering wheel, looks great. I'm looking forwards to buying from you again.
    hey man, u havent sent me the cps so pls do that, its been about a month now. if i get no message in a couple days im gonna take this up with a mod.
    hey bo my friend told me to ask you if you had the various parts for my 87 n/a mk3
    as of right now i need a set of lugnuts,the vacume live fitting on the back of the powersteering pump, i also need various bolts and screws like the a/c suports bolt's a set of header bolts. oh and i lost my key to the car i was wondering if you had a new key and idk the technical name for the part you put the key in but one of those.
    if you cant help me out man shot me an estimate with shipping and everything to 25303
    thanks man

    My brother PM'd you about a targa top. He said you e-mailed him back saying you had two (one with burgundy interior and one with blue). I'm the one actually interested (he just messed mine up...long story). I'm getting ready to purchase one from someone else, but it's turning into a long process and I need it ASAP. Could you email me some pics and do you have a paypal account? If so, and if it looks good, I'd like the one with the blue interior and I'd pay for next day shipping. Thanks. Here's my email: amekaji87@verizon.net

    Hey "T"

    I was wondering if you could help me out, I'm looking for a dimmer for "90" and up Supra

    Thank you , "Supra Jedi"

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