Wrist pins 7mgte - NEED HELP


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
I need to know what kind of damage im going to expect with a blown engine due to wrist pins, apparently the engine ran before but they didnt want to start it up, obvious reasons, im going to be buying a 1988 mk3 supra 7mgte for 800 dollers, well thats the asking price, the body is in great shape for its age barly any surface rust. ive done some research and found out i need a stronger head gasket so a list of recommended parts that are affordable i dont make a bunch of money but enough to build a supra with the 7mgte, i have a 30 year veteran mechanic that works on my cars for cheap so a list i can show hhim would be great and last question for now would a engine rebuild kit work on the engine or would it be to wrecked? connecting rods may be shot aswell.


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
that would kinda suck haha, ill give the guy a call what should i ask him? like if the engine made a certin sound like scraping noises?