Toyota CPS woes 24+1 reluctor setup on Haltech


New Member
Dec 14, 2008
San Francisco
Okay heres the deal, I am running a Haltech PS 1000, I am using the stock CPS as a 24+1

I have three ignition out puts IGN 1 is cylinders 1-6, IGN 2 is 2-5, IGN 3 is 3-4

I am running LS1 coils in wasted spark, I have the settings setup correctly in the ECU manager software setup.
I am using G2 as my Home and NE as my trigger

I can free rev the engine and watch my home counter and trigger counter increment.

the problem that I am having is how do I reference the CPS in to the cams. What I have been doing is putting Cyl 1 and TDC, then insserting my CPS with the cover off, until my G2 rotor is lined up on the home trigger. Is this correct or do I need the home trigger to occur before or after the cylinders is actually at TDC

The real issue is that when I test my CPS by hand or with a drill motor, I can get the LS coils to fire accordingly. The problem is that my timing light(s) (I purchased one that is supposed to work on DIS ) will not trigger off of the ls1 coils, even when they are sparking.
So setting timing is a shot in the dark right now.

If any one else has an idea on how to physically reference the cam home signal to the # 1 TDC that would be helpful


New Member
Dec 14, 2008
San Francisco
Platinum Sport 1000 only supports sequential on 4 cylinders, so its wasted spark for me.

I got the CPS figured out, timing light is good ot go now, I just have issues with setting an idle with the Ford IAC I am using.


New Member
Dec 14, 2008
San Francisco
it was software setup and cps setting into the head. my timing was way out, but everyhting has been cool for about a week or so, just need to dedicate some time so that I can go tuning