oil in spark plug well

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
jdub said:
Heehee...the wives just don't understand. I created a "Supra Slush Fund" that the wife has no clue exists...it makes parts magically appear!

lmao! - Same story with my wife. I bought my car and it was down for 4 weeks with a bhg and the money kept piling up, but she didn't know it. I've kept a small fund for years so I could dump $ into things she wouldn't understand or go for - now it's my Supra. I've still got some left for things like wheels, paint, exhaust, and, and, and. Problem is my squirrel fund isn't that big... Yet. :naughty:
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
LOL. Thank god for the internet... {Wife} What's in that package that came today? {me} Oh just a few small things for the car (like an electronic boost controller!) :biglaugh:

87... How new are those wires and plugs? Did you recheck the plug gap?


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Um, since when is oil conductive? Especially at the lower voltage a properly gapped plug fires at? And since it's also used as a dielectric in high voltage transformers?

Oil in the wells won't cause misfiring, put an ignition scope on there and you'll see. Best way to get it out? Mop up what you can then remove the plugs and flush the rest down the cylinder with brake cleaner. Won't hurt a thing.