aeromotive FPR Location question


New Member
Sep 7, 2009
I have the driftmotion aeromotive 1JZ FPR kit, + USDM 550cc

my issue is that given the amount of hose/pipe the FPR must sit above the heatercore outlet next to the brake booster...

problem is, I have moved my engine harness firewall hole to this area and it is quite cluttered already...

I deleted the cruise and tucked a bunch of dead leads where the cruise control used to be (under the clutch master cylinder)..


1> any reason why it would be a bad idea to have another braided hose made up +24" so I could secure the FPR in that larger area...?

2> fuel dampener -- remove it?

3> FPR installs after the fuel rail...? as in fuel in on the firewall side, exits at the motor front, hardpipe makes the 180 turn to the braided, to the FPR, to the return line...-> correct?

also; I kind of dislike the driftmotion kit location because the FPR is placed basically top/centre of the firewall and I think I want to look stock-ish/discreet...

EDIT: found a photo, borrowed from;


^same location just a little lower / custom bracket....
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
For safety the FPR should be mounted to the engine. You don't want it torn off in an accident spewing fuel all over the engine bay. Under the intake manifold there is room.


Turbo Swapper
Aug 9, 2007
I am planning to adapt the J tube blockoff plate stud to hold the FPR. There seems to be room, and since I have the kit that was supposed to be mounted to the shock tower, I don't have enough room to mount it that far back.


New Member
Sep 7, 2009
3p141592654;1882684 said:
For safety the FPR should be mounted to the engine. You don't want it torn off in an accident spewing fuel all over the engine bay. Under the intake manifold there is room.

never really considered that.... This chassis has been stitch welded inside and out (from the front strut towers to the rear strut towers - leaving front/rear crumple zones untouched)

- pretty sure that a-pillar/frirewall corner is the strongest spot on the car, but I suppose there could be a horrific accident that would see the motor torn from the chassis...

I'm only really considering it to de-clutter an already busy engine bay.....