About this Forum

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Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
The Wall of Shame is a place for threads that the Supramania staff found particularly amusing due to the overall silliness or idiocy of the posters in question, or something amazingly stupid being described. This is not to say that every person who authored a thread that winds up in the wall of shame is a fool.

But we certainly think a few were acting like one at the time...

Sometimes it's a good thread, but the replies drag it off topic to the point of idiocy. Sometimes it's the thread itself. You make your own decision on that.

Nor is it to say that these are the only dumb threads out there, there are just the ones that struck our fancy. By the way, we do accept nominations for inclusion in this section, so PM me if you see something you think belongs here.

This is a locked section. You cannot reply to any of these threads, they are locked in the state they were in when we decided to move them here.

P.S. - I've been asked why we do this, and the answer is simple. Perhaps knowing that your stupidity may wind up highlighted for the world to see will act a deterrent to posting before thinking. We really would rather you use your head before you post around here.
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