1jz Bad water pump ?


El Dominican Sexy
Sep 20, 2006
Paterson, New Jersey, United States
Hi, all the threads i read so far say that the cheapest way to repair a bad water pump on a 1jz with hydrofan is to replace with a 2jz water pump and im trying to understand why. I been doing the math and a flex electric fan will cost like 400$ , 160 for pump and 60 bucks for pulley. =620$ and maybe add like 80 bucks more for fan shroud how is that cheaper? Can any one help me with this what other altenatives do i have?Please post the setup you used to fix this problem -thanks


Supramania's Parts Man
Sep 2, 2008
Great Lakes State
I have a GOOD low mileage hydro pump that is in perfect working order. If you live in the U.S 90.00 Shipped, I can have it out in the morning. It comes with the nice flex hose too, that appears to look brand new as well. pulley included.

Paypal is


BTW: If you choose to go the other way, the 2jz water pump is not 160.00, it is 65.00 and you need a new backing plate that the water pump adapts to. The one you have is just for the hydro water pump. You will also want fans and you don't have to get flex fans, but if you do want those, you can find them a lot cheaper then 400.00 I just did a 1jz swap for a customer, and I decided to go with the hydro fan, but they're certainly a lot better then any other setup.

Anyhow let me know if I can help you. I have 100% feedback and over 100 people that have left me feedback.


El Dominican Sexy
Sep 20, 2006
Paterson, New Jersey, United States
Ok thanks for reply looks like i will have to go with the 2jz/electric fan setup i am just worried that the fan wont be able to cool good enough then it will be a waste of money. Im currently running stock boost.