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  1. 88targarose

    Got tired of unreliable TSRM/Tech sources.

    So, I hosted my own. It's definitely no CygnusX1, but I hope it comes in handy for someone. If there's anything you think I should add, or anything I've just gone and fubar'd, lemme know.
  2. 88targarose

    Timing Monitor, Is MAFT PRO the only way?

    Short of the MAFT PRO, is there any method to monitor actual engine timing? This always seemed like a crucial element that was missing from the 7M world, but I've never seen a good solution. A year+ ago on SF someone was talking about making one that would just output to an LCD/LED display of...
  3. 88targarose

    Targa Weather Stripping Replacement Issues (w/pics)

    First, let's get these out in the open 1) Interior targa trim bevel. 2) Tar-line holding the weather stripping to the assembly. 3) Where the Weather Stripping is tar'd or Siliconed into the track. A while back, I went...