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  1. Demianu27

    So.. im getting deployed next week..

    Grats Pup! I'm leavin soon too, but for something else. I enlisted in the navy over the winter and my date to leave for boot keeps getting delayed for stupid reasons, but I'm finally leaving this coming tuesday! I'm going into law enforcement.... Master at Arms :naughty:
  2. Demianu27

    ROTM : August - Recognition month - Normally Aspirated Supra's

    Just wondering, does NA mean normally or naturally aspirated?
  3. Demianu27

    Quarky Problem

    Try putting the wires back to the original way to find the problem.
  4. Demianu27

    Quite a Story

    The law doesn't work like that. You can prove that she did a hit-&-run while she can't prove that you passed her via double yellow line. edit: so your story should have been something like... You were driving along and this car started tailing you. You noticed they were following you...
  5. Demianu27

    Quite a Story

    Now take a copy of that estimate and mail it to her since you know where she lives. In the letter, say that you have already filed a police report and you are ready to go to court. Oh and one more thing........... why did you tell the cops that you crossed a double yellow line? You...
  6. Demianu27

    What would you do with £1000 (or $1900)?

    Many people answered a similar question 2 weeks ago in this thread: What would I do with $1,900? I would put it in the bank to save for my first house.
  7. Demianu27

    Car impounded and $1,000+ in fines.

    That's all I wanted to hear, thank you.
  8. Demianu27

    Car impounded and $1,000+ in fines.

    Your bad luck will run out sooner or later figgie. When that day comes, I hope someone points at you and says "user error". EDIT: Woops, I meant "good luck", not "bad luck". That was a "user error".
  9. Demianu27

    Car impounded and $1,000+ in fines.

    So I guess it's always a user error...
  10. Demianu27

    Help Identify What's Wrong! *With Vids*

    1. Find out where the power steering fluid is leaking from. 2. Tighten your cam gear.
  11. Demianu27

    Car impounded and $1,000+ in fines.

    So if I master the limits of my car, like figgie, I will never ever get in an accident due to weather or traction issues? ...:squint: I totaslly believe figgie; losing traction is always a user error. The driver should: 1. Melt any black ice on the road that they are going to drive on before...
  12. Demianu27

    Car impounded and $1,000+ in fines.

    ^^ It happened to me once. I was getting onto the highway in the rain and my back end came out a little when I started to accelerate. I had control the whole time but it still scared me since I was not expecting it. Right after that happened, the guy that was behind me pulled next to me on...
  13. Demianu27

    Quite a Story

    Since you know where she lives, send her a letter through the mail (actually send it, don't just stick it in her mailbox because that's illegal). In the letter, there should be two things; a signed damage report from a credited auto body shop and a letter from your parents telling her how to...
  14. Demianu27

    Car impounded and $1,000+ in fines.

    Why was the impound fee so much? Here, it's just $75 per night. That's weird that you were booked for "speedracing" yet you were not arrested... It's also weird that you were booked for "speedracing" by yourself. I thought you needed a 2nd person for racing.
  15. Demianu27

    You MUST see this

    I wouldn't buy one because they sound like crap... lol. "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
  16. Demianu27

    you guys think mk3's will ever go up in value?

    All we need is a movie to come out with the hero driving an MKIII, and BAM!
  17. Demianu27

    A few things about my supra...

    /bump for more much needed help.
  18. Demianu27

    Congrats Everyone! You just got...

    Can I give you my $2,000 and my 7MGTE so I know it's going to be done right?:naughty:
  19. Demianu27

    Congrats Everyone! You just got...

    $2,000 for your supra! What are you gonna get?