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  1. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    So, I cleaned off the dust on this thread only to regret what I did with my Supra... I had to sell it because money got tight... Friggen' economy.. Anyone in the area so I can at least relive what I had??? I wouldn't mind getting a ride in one. Turbo would be nice 'cause mine never had it...
  2. toy_dremer

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    So, I went through this whole thread and I'm liking what I am seeing! Well done!!
  3. toy_dremer

    Bluechulappa's 89Turbo restoration

    So, I have this paper that I am suppose to be doing, but these 94 pages and 3 hours of awesomeness were waaaay to important! Might fine job there sir!
  4. toy_dremer

    2J Response Build

    Subscribed! Looking good there Dale!
  5. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    lol!!! Nice... :biglaugh: But no, sorry for getting your hopes up. haha
  6. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    So my car is parked at my best friends house, outside, in the cold... all alone. And he was cruel enough to send me this picture: And to make up for being so mean, he made me this early Christmas present: Works for me!
  7. toy_dremer

    Operation "Can't hear shit" *Pics*

    Thanks!! And prepping isn't that much to do right, some rubbing alcohol and I'll be good, right?
  8. toy_dremer

    using etanol on supras

    Remember, that gas stations say up too, that doesn't mean there is exactly 10% in there. Besides like lewis said, it is corrosive and will eat up seals on engines not designed to run it. I found a gas station that doesn't have it at all. I use that at every fill up.
  9. toy_dremer

    2009 Project_mk3 restore

    Great work man! I like how you are putting it all together and everything looks awesome!
  10. toy_dremer

    twin charged ION vs MKIII

    Saturn - a cheap, unreliable rubbermaid car.
  11. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    I guess it depends on who you are. My dad has a 1993 T100 SR5 and it has such a long throw, being a truck, but even still, I guess I'd rather have it shorter for a better response and quicker. But hey, it floats my boat. :cool:
  12. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    Sweet! :icon_bigg
  13. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    Come to think of it, if I ever wanted to rebuild the Supra I'd have a spare ride. Thanks again! haha
  14. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    I was thinking about keeping the Camry, even though it's not as fun driving. :nono: Thanks for that info! *crosses out 58lbs, writes in 75lbs*
  15. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    Do you know where your friend got the hose? Or do you think I could get it at any local car parts store? But SS is the way to go, so I'm sure I would do that and the fact, like you said, routing it anywhere you want.
  16. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    So I went to go open a couple packages that came in the mail today; I stayed with the stock filter for now because A: the're cheaper, B: The other filter was black, you couldn't see day light through it. :3d_frown: Woo Hoo!!:biggrinbo
  17. toy_dremer

    Pics of your n/a's!

    N/A FTW!!! :biglaugh:
  18. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    We should! Because it's like the odd ball of the MKIII, it's a 1/2!!!! lol It's so true!!! lol Thanks! I appreciate the encouragement! I don't know if I would call it a leak, more like a potato can hole. hahaha!
  19. toy_dremer

    Just bought a 1986.5 MKIII! Project 101

    So I got around in doing the short shifter mod and it turned out quite well! Here's some pics, a little blurry (from phone) Before After!! I gave it new threads and now have to find a shifter knob with a 7/16th inch socket, or tap it out. I would like to keep it stock so I am...