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  1. T

    Oil leak...coming from behind the cam gears

    Ended up having to put a pry bar in the "spokes" of the cam gear to keep it from moving and popped it loose that way. I just got around to getting it all back together today and she's running great. I replaced both cam seals and that fixed the problem. Thanks for the help guys!
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    Oil leak...coming from behind the cam gears

    Holy hell...tell me the driver side cam gear isn't reverse threaded. The thing is on there TIGHT! If I pull any harder, I feel I might yank the camshaft out. Any tips? I'm afraid if I try any harder, I'll break something. And I'm not pussy footing around it either.
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    Oil leak...coming from behind the cam gears

    Thanks CyFi. I don't have a driveshaft holding tool (TSRM says it should be used when removing cam gears). Am I good to go without it? Any recommendation on something that I can sub for it? Sorry for the 20 questions...I'm sort of a cherry when it comes to anything other than basic maintenance.
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    Oil leak...coming from behind the cam gears

    Groovy. Doesn't sound like anything I could screw up. How do I tell if they're on backwards?
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    Oil leak...coming from behind the cam gears

    Wonderful. How big of a pain is it to change those bad boys?
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    Oil leak...coming from behind the cam gears

    I've been trying to figure out where this oil leak has been coming from all day, and finally found it. I popped off the timing cover and fired it up and watched it come pouring out from behind one of the cam gears. It was running down and coming out the little peep hole just above the oil pan at...
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    Supra owners in missouri? I've only met 3 on here.

    Another St. Louis guy here. I don't post much, if any around here. I'm putting together a little get together in St. Louis in October. Sunday, October 17, 2 PM Hey guys, I'm thinking a little get together is in order before the weather turns to shit. I'm thinking we meet up in the...
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    Are you talking about working in an actual oilfield? Or the oil INDUSTRY? What are you wanting to know?
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    What's on your clipboard? ^It's safe to watch. I had to make sure it wasn't a donkey raping a person or something before I posted though.
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    Got to drive an Aston, Porsche, Lamborghini, and Ferrari over the weekend.

    Marry this woman. Before I go looking for her and do it first. :D
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    Kouki Tail lights??

    I hope you're being sarcastic. If not, learn to build your own coherent sentences before telling others to do so. I've also heard the term used in the 240sx and dorifto communities as well.
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    No crank after idling for a while

    Ok, I'm officially wierded out. I just tried starting it up and she fired up just fine. So, until next time. Thanks for the input guys.
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    No crank after idling for a while

    No corrosion. I just gave it a quick once over for anything obvious before I got somebody to give me a ride home. I'll check for tightness when I get to look at it, hopefully Friday.
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    No crank after idling for a while

    Well I had to run up to my parents' house tonight. I pulled up in the driveway and just let it run because I wasn't planning on being there for longer than 10 minutes. Well, I got distracted as usual by my mother and an hour went by. I went outside and realized I forgot to shut it off, I checked...
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    sig for my new ride please

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    sig for my new ride please

    Have a better picture? One without another car in it?
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    Couple Busted for Refusing to Pay

    I'm going to throw out a little theory I've had. That is, servers are paid an extremely low hourly wage (sub $3/hr) in order to make them WORK for their tips. If I was a server making $8 an hour, what motivation do I have to do an above average/outstanding job? I'm still getting paid. Servers...
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    History of the Supra

    This is a direct quote from Toyota's website. Just sayin'