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  1. P

    plug where the pilot bearing goes???

    so im in the middle of doing a 5-speed swap on my cressida and hit a wall. i dont know why, because i have never seen this before, but there is a metal cap pressed in where the pilot bearing should go. i have been beating on this thing for almost 3 hours and cant get it out! anybody else run...
  2. P

    7mge head on 5mge bottom end

    all i want to know is if it will work. i know it will bolt on, but i want to know what compression im looking at, and if it will even rotate without smashing stuff? i know i can just run a super thick 2 or 3mm head gasket to make up a tiny bit of the room. but any sound factual knowledge would...
  3. P

    7mgte ffim gains?

    i have looked around to see what the benefits and negatives there are to using a front facing intake manifold. it looks to me like you would loose a little bottomend because of the short runners. but i was more looking for solid dyno proof of what it does to the power and torque numbers...
  4. P

    cressi love!!

    ok, well hope you guys dont mind that i post up a cressida build, but as i said in my intro, we share alot of parts and so on.. mods delete it if you want lol! anyways, i have been working on my car for about 6 months now. this is my second cressida, and i have somehow grown to like the 5m...
  5. P

    HI from GA USA!!

    just to introduce myself, im from Gainesville GA. and i own a 87 Cressida. i joined the forum because i am looking to expand my options and horizons as far as it goes with working on the m series engines, and having a larger pool of parts and experience on my side! i hope you guys dont mind a...