Recent content by windsupra

  1. windsupra

    Me vs. Mazdaspeed Protege

    u sure the protoge is turbo if it is turn up the boost had no chance
  2. windsupra

    First burn out!

    nice burn out can't wait to get my sup back on the road frigging recession
  3. windsupra

    Big Daddy's MKIV Supra 7.95@180mph

    wow low 7's comin soon ?
  4. windsupra

    Where to race????

    english town NJ has a road course now i dont know how far that is from u though.
  5. windsupra

    This ones to close to call....

    maybe something on the track oil antifreeze nice save though
  6. windsupra

    Mk3, mk4 drag really nice vid

    no time on the mkiii's ?
  7. windsupra

    The Dumbest Fuck of the day

    good thing this idiot did'nt strip a head bolt, would hate to see how he handled that.:3d_frown:
  8. windsupra

    supra, angry rock music FTW!

    great vid
  9. windsupra

    Mexico 11/13/09

    nice vid good pull on the top end.
  10. windsupra

    Mk3 drag pre 89

    awesome vid
  11. windsupra

    More MK3 awfulness

    horrible in every way possible
  12. windsupra

    Englishtown rescheduled 10/31 Saturday

    40% chance of rain in ct on saturday what r the chances of it not raining in jersey this sucks.
  13. windsupra

    august mid ohio nasa videos

    damn that looks like a lot of fun:icon_bigg. wish i were there ct sucks not even a drag strip here:3d_frown:.
  14. windsupra

    Englishtown End of the year meet OCT 24th

    damn sunday is a bad day but i will try to make it hopefully in the supra this time
  15. windsupra

    supra mk3-catch me if you can

    is this for real