Recent content by hamgatan

  1. hamgatan

    It Sounds like a Supra.. but thats one strangely shaped Supra..?

    And so late 2011 saw me getting off my bum and making some serious decisions regarding the Soarer. What I wanted to do was make the car far easier to work on and a crapload more powerful - So I went Big Single. It was during the disassemble process that i noticed the cause of my 3500rpm...
  2. hamgatan

    It Sounds like a Supra.. but thats one strangely shaped Supra..?

    So one lazy Saturday afternoon I arranged a Car Trailer and went to pick up the shell and cart it home. The following day I got stuck into reviving her back to her former glory. First up a good cut and polish and put my BBS LM's on it. Then the next week followed the second conversion -...
  3. hamgatan

    It Sounds like a Supra.. but thats one strangely shaped Supra..?

    Well this Saga began in 2007 when I acquired my first Soarer.. I loved the comfort of it well beyond what the MA70 had given me. 1990 GZ20 Soarer GT-Limited - White Being a tight arse I picked her up quite cheap as she had two blown CT12's and a gutless 1G-GTE (despite testing very...
  4. hamgatan

    It Sounds like a Supra.. but thats one strangely shaped Supra..?

    I've been meaning to post this thread up for a while but the procrastination bug is strong within me.. About 6 years ago I decided to get rid of my fat pig MA70 and settle for something sleeker, slimmer and just downright pimptastic. And then the project thats taken me the last half decade...
  5. hamgatan

    Unique 1jz 3k rpm breakup

    i think i should pipe up and mention my issues as well.. i've got a GZ20 Soarer that i bolted a JZA70 halfcut into a few years ago now. I ran it for about 3 years in my old shell fine (albeit it was underpowered..), then I got defected and so I bought another shell to get around that. So I...
  6. hamgatan

    1JZ with ct26

    only problem with ringing him is that i have to get up at 3am in the morning for it to even be remotely daytime in Cali... just want to get a CT26 mani from him so i can get my track car sorted.
  7. hamgatan

    1JZ with ct26

    have you got any top down or closer pics? i want to see a bit closer up if possible.. btw does aaron just not reply emails or is he that busy?
  8. hamgatan

    1jz S13! WTF!?

    i think i have to agree with you on that one. thats why i said dellow are a bit hit and miss... ive heard horror stories of their castings not lining up properly and stuff like that.. broadest range, yes. known for quality... not particularly.
  9. hamgatan

    where can i get one of theses?

    hmm, yours is probably specific to a JZZ30 though right? since 98% of JZZ30's and JZX90's were factory auto this would make sense...
  10. hamgatan

    where can i get one of theses?

    yeah thats true. realistically all you go to a tuned ECU for is to have boost cut / speed cut removed and a slightly better tune. i think the Mine's ones are preset tune for 550's. but 500.. erkk... 1000 will get you a microtech ltx12s + loom. (yeah i know theres probably another 1000 worth...
  11. hamgatan

    1JZ with ct26

    correct. i need to pull the engine anyway this time round coz im going to respray the darn bay (its got 18 years of japanese grit and grime buildup on it still that i couldn't be arsed cleaning coz i was so eager to plonk the 1J in there... cars not being driven at the moment anyway and won't...
  12. hamgatan

    where can i get one of theses?

    AUTO Blitz/Mines/Sard ECU? Yeah good luck with that.. I've never seen one. They've all been 1JZ-GT M/T ECU's that I've seen. and yeah Yahoo Japan. Theres two that I know of in AU that are for sale, but expect to pay $500USD thereabouts..
  13. hamgatan

    1jz S13! WTF!?

    1JZ S13 has been done a fair bit down here. Can I ask what motivated the decision? Just a choice to go FI over NA? The biggest surprise we're finding down here when it comes to S13's is with a 1UZ believe it or not. With the all alloy block, transplanted into a S13, you end up having a car...
  14. hamgatan

    1JZ with ct26

    how much clearance do you have between the strut tower and the CT26? im thinking it should fit fine on mine, but all you guys are running LHD Supra's with all the Brake booster and Master Cylinders all on the left hand side of the car. As my GZ20 Soarer is RHD all that crap is on the other...
  15. hamgatan

    1JZ-GTE...sedan *pics*

    yeah thats what i thought. they were all factory auto. gone manual ecu as well or just bridged the wires to fool the auto ecu that its a manual?