Recent content by fredro195

  1. F

    my car

    Hey guys and girls i'm having an issue with my supra that just started today and I need some help to figure out what it is so I can fix it. When I was driving it was fine then I let off the gas and the car stalled out and would not start up. When I did try to start it there was I big backfire...
  2. F

    auto to 5spd conversion

    well as soon as i can get i pic on hear i will its just that im in the middle of moving to a new house and everything is crazy. now what pimptrizkit said sound like thats what it is a stupid looking metal dutch oh i mean dish that someone did put there and because i cant get this off i can't...
  3. F

    auto to 5spd conversion

    im not stupid i know what the freeze plug is. the plug is similiar to the freeze plug but not the freeze plug. i will not be an angry wet man thanks.
  4. F

    auto to 5spd conversion

    its called a freeze plug i just found out i guess the only way to do it is by drilling a hole and put a screw in it and yank it oout thanks guys or girls
  5. F

    auto to 5spd conversion

    you know on an automatic block when you take the flywheel off theres 6 bolts that ahve to come off correct. then theres a little plate thats comes off with the flywheel in the center of where the bolts come off where if you doing the conversion the pilot bearing is supposed to go theres what it...
  6. F

    auto to 5spd conversion

    yea i figured that i would get this type of reply i guess im goona have to call toyota and figure out what the hell this is. its a metal cap thats all i can tell you.
  7. F

    auto to 5spd conversion

    hey i need a little help with this one. theres a metal cap blocking me from making my engine a 5sdp and cant figure out how to take this damn cap off. if anyone can lend me some helping tips i would really be thankful because i really need to get my car on the road asap. anyone with a solution...
  8. F


    does anyone know to take a cap off the engine when doing a conversion from auto to 5spd. its hard to explain but its a little metal cap thats just there and preventing me to do this conversion if you have any tips please email ar thanks