Recent content by darkandroid1234

  1. darkandroid1234

    Orlando/Tampa/St Pete/Clearwater Etc Quasi-Meet

    Didn't make it, had to get the van fixed to bring my brother to and from school as the Jeep is too bad on gas.
  2. darkandroid1234

    Can anybody top this?

    ^Noob, no idea. Josh, glad things are going as well as reasonably possible given the circumstances... Get well soon!
  3. darkandroid1234

    Home Depot Scam

    LOL I'd readily give the hoes my wallet.... I keep my cash in my pocket.... But hell a $2 dollar wallet for two chicks to have sex in my back seat and then gimme some sucky sucky.... I'll accept that deal anyday!
  4. darkandroid1234

    Orlando/Tampa/St Pete/Clearwater Etc Quasi-Meet

    Yeah I'll prolly be there... So, Jayson, what's in store for my old car?
  5. darkandroid1234

    non supra owners

    Just gave mine to Idealsupra... plan to buy a turbo soon.
  6. darkandroid1234

    Orlando/Tampa/St Pete/Clearwater Etc Quasi-Meet

    Jayson, mind if I join in on the event with the Grand Cherokee? You just took my Supra, and I doubt I'll have another by then. -Mike
  7. darkandroid1234

    Official Tampa Supra Cruise To Orlano Meet

    I'd love to attend, but my MK3 is out of commision, can I drive my Grand Cherokee?
  8. darkandroid1234

    Name your favorite left-handed person

    Myself = FTW!
  9. darkandroid1234

    Best Pick up lines

    "I don't know what I have to say to have sex with you, but let's just assume I've said those things and go straight to the intercourse." Me: "I'm a talent scout for a major movie production, would you like to try out for a part?" Her: "Are you serious? Of course I would" Me: " OK, lay...
  10. darkandroid1234

    No more Celica?!?!?

  11. darkandroid1234

    No more Celica?!?!?

    DT: :naughty: Me likey the pics... MR2 should have stayed, Celica should be fully redesigned and reborn as a 4banger turbo or N/A, with a I6 turbo and targa option package called the "Supra Performance Group"