Will It Blow?



My supra is for the most part stock with the exception of 3inch exhaust,k@n intake , and mbc. I have always run 11-12psi and run low 14 in the quarter. I have the stock tuning screw in the afm backed out a little to get passed fuel cut. I wanted to run like 14-15 psi at the track just for fun and was wondering if it would be relatively safe using c16 race fuel?
I know ever car is different and there is no way to know for sure with out a wide band. With that said, has anyone done this? what are some of your thoughts on runing 14-15 psi on stock ct, stock fuel system with c16 race fuel.
I did know a guy that ran 20psi with everything stock,turbo finaly blew but not the motor. Im guessing he was using race fuel though


they call me Tatter Salad
Mar 31, 2005
Fort Worth
it is hard to say as like yu stated " every car is different". i know i ran 15 psi with everything stock for 4 months before i blew my head gasket.didnt know enough about running lean and rich at the time.all i knew is it felt like more power so i stuck with it.but if yu ask me nw what i think about doing it, i would have to say make sure you have a metal head gasket and you dont run lean.it isnt worth it to me to have to tear it all down and rebuild just to get a few more HP.just my opinion.


an extra 2psi or so shouldn't make too much of a difference surely, as i'm led to believe these cars run real rich anyway so it would probably even out if you ask me. You could always up your fuel pressure slightly to compensate (which would be an easy, quick way) although i'm not sure how it would run at idle.

but what do i know, i'm new to supras and have an N/A lol..

good luck with it though, the need for speed can be a killer at times.


was your head gasket stock when you blew it,had it been torqued down tighter than stock at that time? what type of fuel did you run pump 93 or a higher octane? Thats what im asking, what is people's opinion on if I will run lean or not at those boost levels with c16 race fuel. I am just askinf for peoples opinion and experiances, I know no one can tell me for sure.


Former Owner
Mar 30, 2005
An occasional 15psi run shouldnt hurt anything. The C16 is overkill though, that shit is leaded and will ruin your o2 sensor and cats in short order. You shouldnt need anything over 93 octane at that boost level, assuming your fuel system is up to snuff and in working order and your timing is set properly.


thanks for the replys. yea I know c16 is leaded but I dont have any cats,straight 3inch down pipe back to greddy muffler. dont have MHG but I have new stock torqued down to 75bft. Yea I figured c16 was over kill but thats the point kind of. I dont have the fuel mods for the boost,(injectors ,walbro) but figured c16 would make up for that on this one outing at the track and be relatively safe using a 117 octane fuel


I just figured that if guys runing big singles can get away with more boost due to higher octane fuels , why wouldn't it work on ct26 and stock fuel.
seems like 117 octane would be enough support the volume of air the ct would bring in at 15psi.


Former Owner
Mar 30, 2005
15psi on the stock CT shouldnt bring you into detonation terrirory and a properly working fuel sytem should be able to handle it no prob. You will hit fuel cut before you max out the fuel system.