head first dive hope it turns out good


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
Well just got the supra back from the shop today :biggrinki but thats after a $722 repair :aigo: . Anyways I finally got my rear diff leak fixed with all new seal in the rear diff and my tranny speedo cable got a new o-ring so that got no more leaks as well. Also the mechanic found that the rear frame was cracked so I got that welded up as well. all this totaled up with an underbody shampoo and some synthetic diff oil. Anyways what im getting at is basicly this. I bough the car for 8,000 Canadian and obviously got took on the car. The whole under body of the car has been nothing but trouble. The body on the car is farly clean excpet for some rust forming in the rear wheel weels. The engine also runs great as it has a 45,000km on a jdm engine right now though there is always the fear of the BHG waiting for me some day. The interior is in good shape as well too besides the fact that my rear passenger side back seat panel fell out and I can't get it too go back in and my lock button switch panel on passenger side fell out as well. But Also I found out that my rear brakes are low and will need replacing and that my brake lines are rusty wich is not good. The rack and pinion still leaks the mechanic figures its 2 washers on it that are leaking and from my observations it most likly is. Plus this week I bought some new rims and tires for 600 buxs becauses my blizzak are worn right out and using them in the summer is a bad idea :3d_frown: . So already I have spent $1,322 and will probaly end up spending more. My dad says I should just sell that car and hope I get some of my money back but I can't as I love my car. The interior still has some nice things like racing seats, sound system, leather interior, glow gauges and I have 3 inch downpipe and all emmsion equipment removed. SO do u guys think I should just keep plowing ahead with fixing the car up?? When its all said and done with do u think it will all be worth it??


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Absolutely keep it and get it fixed up.

Think about it this way. A modern day car with a warranty and mostly trouble free driving that compares to the Supra is going to cost you... oh, lets say about $30k.

You spent 8k, plus about $1500 so far on your Supra.

If you were to throw in the extra $20,500 into the Supra, how well do you think it would run then? I think it would be a whole helluva lot better than the $30k Acura you'd be driving otherwise. If nothing else, it will be a SHITLOAD faster. :D


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
WOW!! today Was very special day. Went to put gas in car was driving home look over at temp gauge and c its really up there. Pull over and I c my coolant overflow bottle is shaking very violently. SO I limp the car home and its sitting in my driveway. Wow what a fun day.

Stupid fucking piece shit toyota arggghhhh :icon_evil :madfawk: :tdo3: :rant:
Damn toyota hope thye burn in hell for there god damn fucking not being able to build a damn car arrggghh
supra god damn it :mad: :evil5: :2ar15: :evil3: :eek:ffwall: :madfawk: :eek:wned:

sorry but im in a extremly mad mood right now as this has just runied my day.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
oh well. After a day or 2 to calm down I decide I would try and get a hold of my friend and c if we can get a compression test done. Then if I do have a Bhg well looks like its rebuild time with a new headgasket and some ARP bolts/studs. Besides then I can rebuild the engine properly and then crank up the boost without worryign about a stock headgasket blowing.