Raced a Foxbody 5.0 in the GTP


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
Welp heading home with my girlfriend just normaly cruising and then a red foxbody stang pulls up beside me and gets on it for no reason really (well I was doing a little over the limit) anyways he hadnt let off so I floored it and still caught up and pulled half a car infront of him then we hit traffic and shut it down, so we slowed up and then went for it again side by side, he got the jump but then I pulled a car this time (races were from a 45-55 mph roll) Then we slowed down once again and he was about a car infront and downshifted and hit it before I could even ease up beside him and I had a car infront of me so I didnt really try.... FINALY we got to a stoplight and I was just trying to be nice and said "that things pretty quick" and he replyed "its all stock" and I knew that was BS cause he had an exaust and a flowmaster sticker on the back and it was pretty loud, sounded nice, and I heard more sucking from under the hood that pretty much showed me he had an exaust and intake I dono what else, But I replyed "yeah so is mine its just a slow 6" Then he said "but its supercharged".... So we waited for the light to turn green and when it did I went and he didnt (somone got scared) after that I just pulled in the right lane about to turn where I needed to go and he comes up asking how much money I had blah blah and then said however much you wanna loose, and his reply was "well not this car Mine at home" (passanger said this) anyways he wouldnt say what kinda car or anything so Ij ust turned off and went home :)

Fine night was my first race (well 2nd not counting a late 80's early 90's mazda protege)


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
Another kill here as of last night.

Teal 4.6L Mustang about a 98ish maybe a little older, He said Intake Headers Full Exaust were his only mods... ONlyraced him from 60MPH Roll and pulled him by a car (his front was at my back) it was pretty close, im sure from a dig I would of been 2-3 cars ahead cause the GTP really pulls in low end.