TEIN SS coilover install writup



Hey guys,

I'm planning on putting the TEIN SS coil-overs, here is a writeup on the install from chris-supra

Originally Posted by Chris-Supra

Best way to do it is:

Undue the 3 bolts holding the stock pillow ball mounts to the frame. Leave the stock pillow mount and strut/spring connnected.

Now undue the upper A-arm bolt (the big one) and pull that out.

undue the upper ball joint nut and wack the shit out of the ball joint end of the A-Arm with a hammer untill it pops lose (it will be stuck but trust me wacking it enough times will losen it ) and pull the A-arm off.

Now undo the strut bolt and let the hub/lower control arm hang and pull the strut/spring assembly out all in one piece.

To get them apart- (either get spring compressors or if you have an impact wrench do it this way, trust me its safe and easy with the impact) set it on the floor with the bottom of the strut pointed in a safe direction. put the impact wrench on the top nut in the ball mount. loosen until the strut pops out. There is very little preload in the stock springs so it wont go very far. If you don't want to risk it or dont have an impact wrench spring compressors are the way to go.

Now take the pillow ball mounts and attach them to your tein's. With the coilover shocks, dont pre-adjust the ride-height, set it as low as it will go, then put the spring on, then the pillow mount and tighten that nut down tight as it will go. (do not use air tools, you can damage the adjustment knob) The spring should be fairly loose at this point and the pillow mount should be solidly attached to the shock rod, now adjust the spring perches to the manuals recommended height. It will get tough as those damn springs are stiff.

To mount it to the car- take your assembled coilover and pillow mount and attach it to the bottom shock mount location. Now using a floor jack placed under the hub, align the top of the coilover assy with the 3 holes on your shock tower and jack up the hub until the bolts on the pillow mount go through those holes and you can attach nuts to them. I found this to be the easiest way. Now reattach the upper A-arm and such and your done.

That is for the fronts. The backs are easier yet. Same process except you dont have to take off the A-Arm If I remember correctly. Only thing tricky in the back, was, at least for me, the mount location on the bottom of the tein shock body, the hole on the bottom that the mount bolt goes through, was a tad bit too wide to fit in the mount location, I had to grind ~1/16 of an inch off of it. I suggest having a grinder handy to grind that part if neccesary, you may not have to however and I would try it without grinding first.

Hope this helps.



New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Minneapolis/Lakeville, Minnesota
Get em' on yet? Its not hard at all really, it took me a good couple hours on my first corner trying to figure out wtf I was doing :rofl: after that, 20 minutes per corner.

Hope the write up helps anyone wanting to do coilovers.


Nope, not yet they havn't arrived yet. I work like 90 hours a week so i only have Saturdays to do anything with my Supie.

I will let ya know how it goes. Thanks again for the writup.