Boy do I feel sick as shit


Apr 4, 2005
Lubbock, Tx
Last night my mother had a seizure. She has not had one in over a year and a half, but she had another. They can never find a medication that will assist her with her problem 99.9%. She has had a lot of stress due to her job lately (corrections officer), she is under stress about bills, and she has been real sick. This line of events is what I beleive sparked her seizure. The problem is, she has bills to pay, and she might not be able to keep her job due to her epilepsy. Either way, I would not want her to have a seizure at work around all the inmates......

All this brings me to why I feel like shit. If she loses her job, I will be paying all the bills my job will allow, I will lose my new 89 Supra, and ALL my hard work and love I have put in her. On top of that, there will be more stress since some of the bills might not get paid, and there is a very high possibility she might have more seizures due to the stress of losing her job.

I dunno what to do, I am just slipping into a deep depresion, feel sick to my stomache, and have been praying, but I never seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. :icon_frow Sorry, had to let it out.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
At least you man-up and say "I have a problem". Take care of your Mom. I'd give up my car for my mom, which says alot since I won't get rid of my car because of "baby on the way" [hasn't happened, but I am saying IF..]. There are many MkIIIs out there, and you can work hard again to get another, but you only have ONE real mom who gave birth to you. Blood is thicker than oil, coolant and gasoline. :D Think of the things she's sacrificed for you over the years.
Some people have mothers who were not good to them, and I feel bad for them, but I care for mine, and by the way you are committed and worried, it sounds like you really love her. THAT shows that she is a good mother.

Keep your chin up, or we will be forced to thrash you.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
drunk_medic said:
At least you man-up and say "I have a problem". Take care of your Mom. I'd give up my car for my mom, which says alot since I won't get rid of my car because of "baby on the way" [hasn't happened, but I am saying IF..]. There are many MkIIIs out there, and you can work hard again to get another, but you only have ONE real mom who gave birth to you. Blood is thicker than oil, coolant and gasoline. :D Think of the things she's sacrificed for you over the years.

I would agree with that. But I don't envy your position at all.

As for your mom being depressed if she looses her job- maybe she could get a less stress full job somewhere else (that would be more understanding of her condition or would be a better environment in case she had a seizure). This could lessen any depression because she would be going out and doing things and it could also help the money situation- feeling productive is much better for a depressed person then sitting around. Hopefully she'll go a long time (or forever) without another episode. But it is good that you're thinking ahead and preparing for what might happen.